INSTALL.TXT LINKS 386 CD VERSION: 2.02 Follow the instructions in this file to install new components to Links 386 CD that will allow it to run in a DOS window in Windows 95. You must have already installed Links 386 CD before you begin the steps below. In Windows 95 1. Click Start. 2. Point to Programs. 3. Click MS-DOS Prompt. 4. Type MD\INSTALL [Enter]. 5. Type CD\INSTALL [Enter]. 6. Insert the Links 386 CD into your CD-ROM drive. 7. Type COPY D:\*.* [Enter]. NOTE: D: represents the letter of your CD-ROM drive. 8. Copy the LCD95.EXE into the \INSTALL directory. 9. Type LCD95 [Enter]. 10. Say 'Y'es to overwrite each time you are prompted to do so. 11. Type SETUP [Enter]. 12. Click NEXT at the Welcome dialog box. 13. Click NO at the Question dialog box. 14. Continue through the setup process until it is finished. 15. Go back to the DOS prompt. 16. Type DELTREE /Y \INSTALL [Enter]. 17. Type EXIT [Enter]. You will now have a Program group in your start menu for Links 386 CD. You need to launch the program with the icon in the start menu for the game to work properly under Windows 95.